Preparation and characterization of ordered mesoporous carbon based catalyst derived from sodium lignosunfonate for conversion of linseed oil to biokerosene


  • Nguyen Khanh Dieu Hong Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Tran Van Luong Hanoi University of Science and Technology



Biokerosen, lignosunfonat


The study focused on preparation and characterization of ordered mesoporous carbon based catalyst derived from sodium lignosunfonate (MSL catalyst), and its application in conversion of linseed oil to biokerosene was also briefly discussed. The preparation of the catalyst was established by condensation-evaporation method where sulfonated biochar obtained from soditum lignosulfonate, CTAB were used as precursor and template, respectively. Water solvent was gradually evaporated during the preparation yielding a gel-like mixture at the end of the process. The catalyst with ordered mesoporous structure, high acidity, and stable activity sites was applied in the conversion of linseed oil to biokerosene, and the results based on the high yield and purity of the methyl ester product illustrated the catalysts high activity and selectivity. Some techniques were applied such as SAXRD, WAXRD, FT-IR, BET-BJH, NH3-TPD and GC-MS for characterizing the catalyst and determining the composition of the linseed oil and the biokerosene.


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How to Cite

Preparation and characterization of ordered mesoporous carbon based catalyst derived from sodium lignosunfonate for conversion of linseed oil to biokerosene. (2024). Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption, 9(2), 1-8.


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