Fabrication of sphere adsorbent materials based on zeolite 13X, application in household oxygen concentrators
Zeolite 13X, 5A, ressure swing adsorption (PSA), Oxygen, AdsorptionAbstract
Small and medium-scale oxygen concentrators mostly use zeolite adsorbent materials and pressure swing adsorption cycle (PSA or O2-PSA). Oxygen concentrator materials are molecular sieve materials that can selectively adsorb nitrogen to produce concentrated oxygen from the air. In this study, we will manufacture granular adsorbent materials based on 13X zeolite synthesized from natural Vietnamese raw materials, using sol-silica, CMC, boehmite, and kaolinite as binders. The sample was tested for its ability to increase oxygen concentration from air on household oxygen concentrators. The results show that the sample is capable of increasing oxygen concentration to over 90 % by volume with a flow rate of 0.3 L/min.
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Bộ Giáo dục và Ðào tạo
Grant numbers CT 2022.04.BKA.07