Photocatalytic removal of VOCs in humid condition using Pd/TiO2 coated annular photocatalytic reactor


  • Nguyen Trong Huy
  • Le Nguyen Quang Tu
  • Nguyen Van Dung
  • Nguyen Quang Long


This study reports preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of nano Pd/TiO2 catalyst for removal of VOCs in humid conditions. Different Pd/TiO2 samples were prepared with Pd content ranging from 0.3 to 1wt%. Wet impregnation and metal-sol were applied for Pd/TiO2 preparation. The catalysts were used in a coated annular photocatalytic reactor for removal of VOCs in highly humid condition by a photocatalytic process. By this photocatalytic process, the maximum toluene removal efficiency was 63% (wet impregnation) and 85% (sol-metal) in the case of initial toluene concentration of 314 ppm and relative humidity of 60%.


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How to Cite

Photocatalytic removal of VOCs in humid condition using Pd/TiO2 coated annular photocatalytic reactor. (2018). Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption, 7(4), 47-54.


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