Products evaluation from pyrolysis process of acacia wood in Vietnam


  • Dinh Quoc Viet
  • Van Dinh Son Tho


Being a developing country, Vietnam has very good biomass energy potential which can be used as a substitute for fossil fuels. The present research aimed measuring yield and compositions of the products of acacia wood pyrolysis process in a packed bed reactor. The maximal liquid yield has been obtained at 450oC (49.95 wt%). Temperature has great influence on product distribution by increasing gas yield and decreasing bio-oil and char yields. The gas fraction is mainly composed of carbon dioxide and monoxide, so its heating value is rather low, but it can be burnt to supply energy to the process. CO, CO2 concentration in the gas decreases with temperature. The 17 compounds in the liquid product from acacia wood pyrolysis process were determined and they included functional groups of alcohol, organic acid, aldehyde, furan, aromatic hydrocarbon and phenol. It was observed pyrolysis process generate liquid product contained different compounds due to acacia wood compound complexed. Char is solid product of pyrolysis process that has structure multi-ring aromatic hydrocarbons and appeared -CH3 and -CH2- groups link with aromatic ring. Char has ability adsorption water so much due to porous structure. The porous structure was obtained due to thermal breaking of structure in pyrolysis process. 


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How to Cite

Products evaluation from pyrolysis process of acacia wood in Vietnam. (2025). Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption, 8(4), 31-36.
